SmartWav has all features necessary to take care of your business

Inventory Management​

Our inventory management allows you categorize your products and services, keep tracks of your vendors and products manufactures, prints product catalogues, take pictures of products, record damages, keep detailed audit of alterations made to the inventory taking records of who made them and when, take notes, keep a detailed sales history, keep records of documents associated with each product and service, provides you with a bill of material privilege in case you are a producer, tax your products, transfer products from department to department, print bar codes for products, run reports, allows you to have picking locations in a ware house, and a whole lot more.

The Inventory management system avails you with a comprehensive print panel that allows you print product details, catalog, inventory, inventory summary, stock value reports, beginning and ending inventory logs, find items due for cost change, expiring and expired products.
Inventory has never been managed with such flexibility yet outstanding accuracy. What else are you looking for?

SmartWav Accounting System

Hence you can have access to all of your journals (both sales and purchases), your ledgers (including receivable, payable and inventory) and reports (including your trial balance, balance sheet, profit and loss, aging reports, general ledger account, receivable ledger account, payable ledger account, general journal entries, sales journal entries, purchases journal entries, credit memos, purchase orders, vendors bills, checks, customer statements, bank statements and so on ) respectively with out of this world accounting expertise in detailed and easy to understand conventional accounting form just at the click of a button.

The Unipros accounting system also provides you with all of your accounting forms such as the invoice created, both paid and unpaid for, your credit memo, your purchase order, vendor bills and even checks writing, all at the click of a button.

With Uniprios solution, it is goodbye to manual postings as it is the case in every other management software out there before now. Now in the comfort of a user-friendly system, you can have all of your accounting requirements taken care of even as your inventory, staff, assets, liabilities and every other aspect of a business unit are also being effectively managed.

Paperless Filing/Security​

Customer Relations Database for Different Companies

It keeps track of all customers and is able to relate to them through personalized emails, Robocalls and SMS carefully designed to promote your brand. With our advanced methodology and implementations, we are able to generates ID code with different symbology, badges and can also read magnetic chips of different ID’s like National ID, Driver’s License and use it to create a record within 2 seconds. Our database checks for duplicate files which can help even the state governments ascertain for sure without fraud the accurate data of any ministry or parastatals at a click of a button.


take snap shots of visitors ( without them knowing ), keep inventory of how many people that went in and how many went out and this information is kept per individuals and can be recalled with ease which will be of immense help during any form of emergency or disaster.

Projects/Task Management

and help to reference Tasks assigned in the past, by so doing it will create an effective task operational Management system that will be well organized. And all these can be retrieved at the click of a button.

Assets Management​

Our system helps you manage your assets and calculate their depreciation, thereby providing you with the actual value of your assets over time. It also has the ability to keep a record of documents and pictures related to every asset.

Easy Interface

It is obvious that an Establishment should be effective in the areas of Internet; Ethernet and Intranet services in order to meet up with the global trends and requirements were at a click of a button one can generate several reports from different departments within the possible shortest time, and also run genuine accountings reports devoid of any manipulation by the staff. This is what Unipros Solutions offers.

The confusion of where to begin or how to go about a task is completely eradicated by the uniqueness of our interface and the ease of its usage.

Employee management​

Audit Trail

The program tracks every keystroke of the employee unbeknownst to the employee making it impossible for employees to deny any responsibility in areas of default while giving the manager ultimate access to view and retrieve employees’ activities.

Business Performance Charts​

At the click of a button, the user can have a knowledge of his revenue, gross income, best seller products, best performing staff, and so on. Our system also provides you with the ability to compare products based on their performances.

Hotel management

Business owners will now have a peace of mind knowing that with a click of a button they can see what is in the storehouse, view the company’s daily profit and loss and monitor overall cash-flow in their hotels.

Kitchen and Bar Monitor​

The kitchen and bar monitor makes it easier to take orders and this delivers alert instantly to the kitchen and bar respectively as the order is being taken and tracks the number of minutes that elapsed before delivery. And also allows the kitchen and bar department to retrieve at a glance, the desired description, and specification of orders made.

Password Keeper

This module allows the owner to keep track of all the websites that he visits that requires a password. It can help you connect to the site and shows you the password and keeps track of changed passwords. This can hold unlimited number of websites and passwords and you can set up one password to access this page to avoid unauthorized access.

Owners Page​

The owner has the ability to print detailed report of refunds, deleted items with date range sorted by employees. It also comes with a lot of fiscal security details etc. and can take pictures of files being deleted, take picture of the employee deleting the file and write a comprehensive report that is only seen by the owner. Wow! There are no more reasons for time and resource consuming investigation on ill practices obtainable in a business organization.

Promo Module and Loyalty Card System

This incentive could be a motivating factor that compels customers to give their names and phone number.

Unipros solution loyalty card system recognizes loyal clients and customers of a business and compensates their loyalty in credit form. Every loyal customer wants to be recognized for his loyalty, and our loyalty card system takes perfect care of that.

Enhanced work productivity across different Offices, Ministries, Parastatals, and Department​

Point of sale for bar and restaurant management

Our unique point of sale system has the added advantage of helping the salesman handle multiple orders with ease even at rush hours and yet work with relatively less pressure and greater efficiency. Our point of sale manages tables, a feature that has never been addressed by any other POS system out there, making it possible for you not only to manage sales generally but also the tables as it is the case in some common Nigerian businesses such as restaurants, bars, eateries, and a few others, and can suspend orders and print comprehensive invoice at the end of customer stay.

It also has the ability to split payments within a single invoice stating in a summarize accounting pattern the persons involved in the split payments and the amount each of them has paid for. Wow! This is incredible!

Lost and found tracking​

This provides the front desk with the ability to log in lost items and valuables recovered from the hotel rooms and similar business environments such, and the recovered items could be seen at a glance on a page with details of recovery and delivery.

The valuable module can keep track of customer’s valuables with pictures and document delivery information as needed.

Anti-fraud integration with many levels of privileges

The program offers many levels of security. Every company staff using the package must log in with a username and password with specified levels of privileges and access. This allows the manager the ability to assign employees the privileges to be able to either delete or edit a file depending on the employee’s designation and rank. With every employee identified by a username, the manager or CEO is able to keep a track on his personnel’s activities and be able to identify who did what and at what time.

Email retrieval and SMS alerts

Simply put, this program is unequivocally the simplest and most powerful program any company can acquire in recent times. It is nearly impossible to find any question or concern that this program does not address about running a business, thus making it the best package ever developed.

Elimination of Ghost workers

The bad effect of ghost workers in our different ministries and parastatals is not only a cankerworm to the state funds but also a bad manure to the continuous growth of unemployment. With the help of our biometric/face ID-based system, the state government will have a reliable database of different ministries and parastatals.

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